How to Get Microsoft Office for FREE



Download SoftMaker Office

You can try SoftMaker Office NX free of charge for 30 days. After that, you will need a product key, which you can purchase in the SoftMaker Shop.

Microsoft Office替代方案

Office 2010 精簡版裡面包含有Word 和Excel,它不是試用版,而是在功能上與正式版的Office 做了些取捨,拿掉部份進階的功能,但好處是可以持續使用,且不需要驗證就能安裝,以 ...

Office 2010一年後就會終止延伸支援,請準備升級

微軟於本周宣布,Office 2010的延伸支援將在2020年的10月13日終止,終止延伸支援之後,該產品依然可繼續運作,但微軟將不再釋出該產品的安全更新,因而呼籲 ...

Product timeline

Timeline from 1987 to the present day ; November 2009, SoftMaker Office 2010 for Windows, Office suite ; April 2010, SoftMaker Office 2010 for Linux, Office suite.

Products | SoftMaker Office

SoftMaker Office makes working with documents, spreadsheets and presentations so much easier – whether you're on Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS or Android. SoftMaker Office · Order now · Download for Windows, Mac... · TextMaker

Softmaker Office 2010 for Windows

Softmaker Office 2010 lets you read and write Word, Excel and PowerPoint quickly and easily, without complications. Included in this Office package you'll ...

Softmaker Office 2010针对于Windows

Softmaker Office 2010是一款优质高效的办公套件,方便你进行Word,Excel和PPT等文档的快速阅读和书写。 Softmaker Office 2010中包含了TextMaker,每一位用户都可以通过 ...

SoftMaker Office for Windows Download

SoftMaker Office 2010 is the professional office alternative from Germany that works with all your existing Microsoft Office files. You will get the job done in ...

SoftMaker Office:輕量、免費的Microsoft Office 替代品

更好的是,在SoftMaker 2010推出之後,開發者便將SoftMaker 2008免費釋出,而且沒寫僅限個人使用,所以不論是小公司或是個人都可以使用這套免費的辦公室軟體。

所有的Office 2010 SP2 套件的清單

摘要. 本文列出所有Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) 用戶端套件及有關如何獲取這些解決方案的資訊。 解決方案. 您可以使用下列方法之一,以取得SP2 套件。


YoucantrySoftMakerOfficeNXfreeofchargefor30days.Afterthat,youwillneedaproductkey,whichyoucanpurchaseintheSoftMakerShop.,Office2010精簡版裡面包含有Word和Excel,它不是試用版,而是在功能上與正式版的Office做了些取捨,拿掉部份進階的功能,但好處是可以持續使用,且不需要驗證就能安裝,以 ...,微軟於本周宣布,Office2010的延伸支援將在2020年的10月13日終止,終止延伸支援之後,該產品依然可繼續運作,但微軟將不...